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Food analysis?

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Jules001 | 13:25 Wed 22nd Apr 2009 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Does anyone know how I could get some food analysed. I don't want to go into too many details on here but basically the food in question has now been cooked and I am not certain that it is what it was labelled as and would like to get it tested to find out. I have tried Googling, but haven't had much success.


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What was it labelled as and what does it seem like??? Where did you get it from...

Might be able to help...
try contacting the trading standards through your council or citizens advice bereau
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it was fresh meat, and what I think it might be is a meat that I don't eat which is why I am not 100% sure of what it tastes like, but it certainly didn't taste or look like it should have. Sorry to be so cryptic, but I intend to sue the pants off the supermarket concerned if it turns out to be the meat that I don't eat and don't want to jeopardise any claim that I may have.
even if it was possible to members of the public to have food analysed in this manner, what good would doing it do you? I presume from your post you have thrown away the wrapper and even if you havent how would you prove that the food you had analysed in fact came from the packet that was "wrongly" labelled? For example, if it was pork you didnt eat and you bought what was labelled as a packet of lamb but actually was pork, who's to say you didn't buy some pork and claim it was labelled as lamb. Sueing people is an expensive business and probably for very little reward, as you may not have actually suffered any physical damage from this incident. if it is more of a religious or cultural thing, how will money compensate you for that?
it would be like saying my religious beliefs were compromised, but ehy, bung me some money and it will all be ok.
In My opinion, you would be better off going to wherever you bought it from and pointing out their supposed error and seeing where that takes you - perhaps some compensation n the form of a few vouchers?
Way to go bednobs - I am completely fed up with this culture we have of suing for profit. It affects all areas of our society and pushes up the costs to us all of basic services such as NHS, insurance etc. By all means sue if your life has been restricted changed etc but not just because you can !

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Food analysis?

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