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Is it still true

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stewey | 02:59 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
......that an order of two fish and one chips costs more than 1/6d? Also, I've heard, a guinea is only worth 17s....What's happening over there? Should I come home and see the differences since I left about....years ago? I bet the country lanes I used to wander along and pick blackberries off the hedges are now four-lane highways....just being nostalgic.


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bleedin' cheek! We got all Europe most of middle east & lots of Africa sinking this ship - we dont want ex pats returning 'for free NHS'. Stay where you are - enjoy the space.
Splutter with laughter!!!! Go on stewey - you know you're grinning!
Can't speak for the fish and chips, etc., but if you dareds to eat any of the polluted blackbarries - yes, you can still find them!
Whoops - 'scuse the "s" on dared!! : )
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Hello, tamb. No, I was just thinking of a visit to where I left when I was a young kid. I had no choice: my parents took me with them. Newcastle-Under-Lyme it was. Health-care? I think I'm living in a country with one of the best. Is it true that you guys are going to have a revolution soonly?
Revolution....we should be so lucky - we can't even get outta bed without our bother-bobbies (police) beating us up.
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Ice, be very, very careful of your spellind: Lucy is lurking!

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