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my dilemma

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legend.isgod | 12:38 Tue 12th May 2009 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
the gay guys from the cafe have given me a bag of fruit


should i eat it and tell them how nice it was ?

or bin it

and telll them how nice it was ???

im undecided


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why sling it ,does it contain a banana?

don't you trust em?
What a queer question, leggy!

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Why would you consider binning it. If it looks decent make a fruit salad to use it up.
What if you eat it and its horrible... will you still tell them how nice it was?
make some jam with it, give 'em a jar apiece to use for spreading,,,,where I don't know,,,lol
don't you know what fruit tastes like Leggy?
Question Author
well theres golden deliciarsse


and a strange fruit

think its a kumquot ??

if thats how you spelll it

is there a hidden meaning to this fruity offering?
its just a nice gift. be grateful
ummm they obviously think you are peachy,,,watch out ,,lol
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If it looks like a tiny orange then it probably is a kumquot (sp). If you are a regualr customer at the cafe then it seems all innocent to me Leg. I wouldn't think too deeply into it.
two of my bestest friends are gay, I love them to bits, their house is to die for, they have an in-built interior decorator in them I think !!!
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strange fruittttt hanging from the poplar treees ?

did i mention he winked at me ?

thats with an i btw : 0)
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is the decorator physically in them ?

or are you speaking metaphorically joy ?
Could be the first of many gifts, leggy.

Perhaps they're grooming you for bigger & other things?

I love gay guys...............they are much better at being bitchy than women................
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its ok mwb

they know im all man


ive told them ive got a hot beeetch in new zealand

poppin over in the summmer

oooooh la la la laaaaaaaaaaa

There wouldn't be a date rape drug in the fruit? If you're gunna eat it, do it behind locked doors.
I agree with craft, they are so brilliant, and they get away with it too, I love their company, just wish my 2 friends would get married, I am dying to go to a civil partnership wedding, I have asked them and all you get is, ummmm, maybe, I want to get a new hat,,,lol
one of them could have been a male model, I often tell him "What a waste" Mr Joy just rolls his eyes,,,lol

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