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A Stupid Question I know? Potatoes

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Beauj | 23:28 Sun 12th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Are potatoes included in your 5 a day veggie / fruity thingy? Can they be seen as such or are they all just starch & water & carbs as some Dr told me recently when advising me not to eat em?? Like I'm going to stop my stable diet!?!?!?


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Yes, Beauj. I include spuds.

But are oats & hay included in your "stable" diet?

staple diet you mean, a jacket potatoe is an excellent source of something or other, can't remember what, and it tastes great with tuna and sweetcorn in mayonnaise, and with a fresh side salad and a cream bavarian bun to follow it is a perfectly balanced healthy meal, except for the bavarian bun of course.
Potato does not count as one of your 'five a day'.
Potatoes and other related vegetables such as yams and cassava do not count. This is because they are classified as starchy foods aspx
Why not the bavarian bun? Perhaps not every day.

Everything in moderation.
No, I don't think potatoes do class as part of your five a day actually due to the amount of carbs or starch or something.
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No I meant stable alright!! Do you think they allow me into the house to eat? dot. have never being able to eat tuna since I opened a tin and a dirty big fly was in it, yuck!!

MWB, that reminds me, ain't got me oats for a long while now!! :(
A stable diet is when you eat like a horse :-)
beauj did you write off and complain? they would have sent you a whole case of tuna if you had, or vouchers, i would have complained, well i would have taken it back to asdas, though tesco actually give you the profuct free and double the money soi i would have taken it back there cos i use john west and they all do john west
'' Potato does not count as one of your 'five a day' ''

Dammit... I was banking on crisps being included...
And chicken skin sandwiches!
My brother and sister, who are both doctors, tell me that this 5 a day thing is pretty much rubbish. However, that was a suggested amount for those who don't understand what a balanced diet's about. You need vitamins, minerals and fibre each day. Potato skins will give you the fibre, but the potato itself is full of starch. If you did a test on them when you did biology at school, you'll remember how blue they turned, which indicated starch was present.
Potatoes are fine in reasonable amounts, providing you get enough exercise along with your meals. Blimey....I fancy a bag of chips now!!
''You need vitamins, minerals and fibre each day''

And crisps... don't forget the crisps...
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dot, I got the Health Inspector out, he took tin away to have it tested to establish if the fly was in it when it got sealed, well, of course it was. Shop it was bought in sent a letter and wait for it, a Postal Order for 50p!!! Also got a letter from the canning company from whatever Island it was - they said it would never happen again - darn right it never - not to me, haven't eaten it since. Though I have to admit, we buy it for our 3 cats!!

MightyWBA, Yes, got it in one!! I did used to eat like a horse!

Ice, Why are you so wise girly?? X X X
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hc4361, thank you, that is very interesting. Have saved link so I can refer to it. X X
Potatoes....contrary to common belief....are an excellent source not only of fibre-as icey said...but also of vitamin c and potassium. They are fat free and are a slow release excellent for dieters . They will no more make you fat than a huge bowl of veggies. I hate this mis-informed idea that potatoes or carbs will make you fat....they don't any more than any other food.
Snags - you're right. Crisps coming up! : )

I agree with you up to a point pasta. As I said, potatoes are fine - in moderation. They contain a lot of starch though, which isn't good for anyone who's not consistantly active. Frying the things is even worse, but, as a baked potato with baked beans/salad etc., it makes a good wholesome meal, and the beans give second class protein as well.
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Hi Pasta babes, now who said I was FAT?? Just point them out to me NOW!!!

All joking aside, I've got a dicky ticker, and when attending the Heart Doc the other week, He told me to stop eating spuds (also bread!) I only eat granary bread, no more than one slice a day, and spuds, just 2 or 3 times a week. Today hubby and I had the debate if they were part of the 5, that's why I asked the question.

My problem is with all food now, I only can eat so much and then it starts sticking in my gullet half way down, so I've to go for tests for that now!! But I like my spuds mashed with a bit of butter on them and I can get that down alright!

Like you know how it is pasta, - Irish - & being told you can't eat your potatoes! I mean to say love???
I wasn't talking about fried potatoes icey....and i do think it is a matter of everything in moderation.......
if potatoes have more Vits than oranges.....( I have to check that) and the type of 'sugars' that are better for you...then they are not to be knocked.
Starch is a reather old-fashioned term......slow release carbs is what is used to describe them now.
Then your suggested diet's correct Beauj. Wholegrains and all that. Best of luck with it.

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