i know this might sound silly but could my dog be a veggie because if you put her dog food on one plate and fruit or veg on another she will always go for the latter if she is where can i get veggie food fromfor her thanks in advance yours pigbin
You can get vegetarian dry dog food, but dogs are not vegetarians by nature, and vegetables are not a balanced diet for a dog. Perhaps the food you are feeding her is not very nutritious? Or maybe she thinks it is your food, so must be better than hers!
Our Lab picks green beans off the plants and raspberries as well. My previous Lab my beloved Rosie used to dig up potatoes and carrots which we think kept her teeth in good order it never did her any harm she lived til 14 1/2
thanks for all your answers they are very helpful and thanks to jules77 will try and mix some veg in her meat will let you know how she goes on thanks again to you all
My mastiff will eat veggies out of a roast dinner first, then the meat. He had a new, juicy marrow bone at the weekend, but what did he do? He left his bone and cried for raw blackcurrants. He'll eat all fruit except lemons, including kiwi and bananas and all veg except courgettes and green beans. (I know he shouldn't eat grapes or onions)