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Just bought breadmaker followed instructions bread looked and tasted like crumpet what did i do wrong

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lifeboy | 22:46 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | Food & Drink
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In my experience you do need to stick rigidly to the breadmaker manufacturers recipes, until you get a bit more adventurous and start playing about with the ingredients.

Make sure the pan isn't stone cold and ensure your liquids are not to cold or warm - they should be tepid to encourage the yeast to work. Make sure your using the correct amount of yeast and that the yeast is well within its best before date.
Too many large airholes (like a crumpet) would probably mean too much yeast or yeast is overacting for some reason.

I'm sure I will be PROVED wrong on this!!
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Thank you for youre tips i'll try again to-morrow
Chuck away the bread maker and make the bread by hand. Much nicer, lighter, tastier and more satisfying knowing you didn't cheat. I've never used a bread maker and never will.

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Just bought breadmaker followed instructions bread looked and tasted like crumpet what did i do wrong

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