Unfortunately, heathfield, the ability to spread the vile stuff thin enough to non-detectable is beyond my physical abilities...
Kept the jar around for a while... hermetically sealed in several layers of plastic bags, for whatever reason, I can't remember. I finally threw it in the garbage bin, but it threw it back... tried to sneak it into the recycle center... got arrested for contaminating the nuclear refuse site. Tried giving it to the pig farmer down the road... killed three pigs and two that were formerly pink turned a disgusting shade of brown and had a terrible odor. I finally threw the remainder in the river, which runs into Hudson's Bay some 1,000 miles distant. I suppose you've heard about the die off of the Polar Bears near there. The environmentalists tried to convince everyone it was due to "Climate Change"... sure... sure... shows how smart they are. (At least now it's Canada's problem).