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What will you bring

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NoMercy | 15:42 Mon 05th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
to the Election Celebration Party?

The Plebs are celebrating having won the election... what will you bring to the celebration party?

I have raided the cupboards and I have Mango and Lemon Sorbet, stilton, fresh baguette, viognier, Merlot, Vodka and Fanta Lemons...


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I will simply bring my charm, elegance and sparkling wit.
Don't forget your modesty Buen...
plenty of chips left over from chippy....and easter-eggs g'kids missed in hunt.
I will bring my stack of white papers to sign and a litre bottle of Black Smirnoff and a celebrate the
Frozen prawns

Lumpfish caviar, but nothing on which to eat it.

Strawberry jam (why is that in the fridge?)

Seafood sticks ... but those are a bit old now.

Thin milk.

Dijon mustard, horseradish sauce, apple sauce (always useful!)

Some foil containers ... Olive made them up, and I forgot to write on the lids what they contain ... it will be a surprise.

That's about it, until I get to Waitrose.

this will ruin my reputation, but I've just baked some chocolate chip muffins.
got some coke and chilli choc and a bottle of cherry sambuca, oh and some gin
Question Author and my mother will get on like a house on fire... ;-0

Buenchico... what more could we ask for? ;-)
will iron out chippy paper to eat off ;)
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Gin ! Te amo ♥♥♥
sara3....beware the dutch descend on you - choccy chips, their staple ;)
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Sara... your reputation, my waistline... ;-)

JJ... I could with some dijon mustard. My mother ate a whole jar with her roast dinner.
I have huge reserves of Marmite. I will donate a jar to every member.
have you got the extra strong stuff mcmouse? i have dijon, plenty of it!
hate it !! lol
I think it should be a fancy dress in purple 'do' NM to celebrate?
A whole jar, NoMercy? Crikey !

Why do you have so much Marmite, Mousey? I just have one Costco tub of it.
How about some lardy cake...? My speciality.
with purple ribbon wrapped round it Lardy?
I am bringing The Irish Army with me, they surrounded a Dept store in Dublin the other day as they were acting on a tipoff 'Bed Linen' was on the 2nd Floor !!
seeing the doc for his Diabetes no doubt

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