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Do Fillings Hurt?

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yellownana | 09:55 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I have one in 2 weeks.. Im scared of dentist, but please tell me truth..

Thanks :-(


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No. Not having the filling would be painful if the tooth starts to ache.
10:30 Tue 27th Apr 2010
No. You'll be fine...
Ask for valium if youre that scared , you wont feel / remember whats been done
i dont have a problem with them,the injection can be a little uncomfortable but after that you dont feel a thing ,really dont worry you'll be fine
no thye dont and i dont have the injection either when i get fillings
The injection of anaesthetic can 'sting' a little bit, but the filling itself won't hurt. You will hear the drill & various noises - but you should not feel pain. It'll be worth it nana - tell the dentist you're nervous, (s)he'll look after you xx
they even!
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Thanks a lot guys :-) x
would you like to borrow my teef (yogi has them at the mo)
I suppose it depends on the dentist. The people I use are really good and I've never had any pain even with extractions,I think with the methods they use these days you'll probably find it more uncomfortable then painfull
Haven't been to a dentist for 31 years. As far as I can remember, it's the noise that worried me most, all that squealing, argh! I've had quite a few abscesses over the years but they go after a lot of pain and anti-biotics.
No. Not having the filling would be painful if the tooth starts to ache.
Old man: "Darling, your teeth remind me of the stars"
Old woman: "Because they gleam and sparkle?"
Old man: "No, because they come out at night!"
I would suggest that you ask your dentist to supply a tranquiliser precription - or if he is not able, then your GP. All you need is one 5mg tablet about an hour before you go, and you'll be nice and relaxed.

As others have said, with modern dentistry, it is highly uinlikely that you will feel any pain. the scratch from the injection lasts seconds, as the freeze takes effect, and after that, nothing. Try to breathe deeply and swallow gently, and you'll be absolutely fine.
Depends on what they give you for pain relief, don't think this girl has any complaints

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