Now I'm a lover of watercress but the supermarkets only seem to sell little tubs that barely seem to be enough for one sandwich, can you get any mega tubs or get watercress in bulk?
Jb, still off balanced, weak and feeling crap but the worst is that I have'nt tasted food in 3 days! I slighty tasted some blue cheese earlier after a mouthful but taste and smell are awol! Thanks for asking!
I was thinking about that 4get after I remembered growing some in primary school on a painted egg with a face and the cress was the hair as I'm sure we all have done!
Aah carrot I think Im thinking about cress, but if I'm right watercress has the same taste right?
watercress is quite peppery - I can't remember what cress tastes like but they are related.
Growing cress as hair in a painted eggshell has got to be one of life's great pleasures - almost as fun as growing carrot fronds from the top of a carrot in a saucer.
(I really don't get out enough!)