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spanish celebratrions

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deggers316 | 18:14 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
well done the Spanish team and there fans are a credit to them
never saw one drunk or anyone carrying more than a fizzy drink bottle in the news reports
what a refreshing change


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you are joking right ?
look at this outrageous binge drinking loon.

something remarkably un-Spanish-looking about that fence. In fact if I didn't know you can't walk into my back garden off the street...
The Spanish fans were only carrying fizzy water ?

Crikey ... I'm glad I wasn't at THEIR party !!!
Lets not forget drunks throwing tomatoes at each other and drunks running and being trampled and killed by the annual "running from the bulls"
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think you'd call then civilised and sorted
I'd call them dull.
a popular myth - the ones trampled at Pamplona are in fact all Australian tourists. Real Spaniards are all at flamenco classes.
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so you can say with all certainty that when the goes bull running and throwing tomatoes there drunk? soi me evidence of this
Lol, jno thats just so true!
So ... their team had just won the World Cup ...

... and they were drinking fizzy water ???

My pal and I go into town and get trolleyed if Brighton manage a mid-season home win!
Here deggers,


Need more proof?
no that looks more like it.
big up the spanish.
Spanish, English, African, Etc...we're all the same underneath...we bleed the same, our bodies function the same and after a night out on the razz we all wake up in the morning and wonder "Who the hell is that in my bed"?
In this Spanish village, church bells were rung, cars hooted, sticks were clattered against metal National pride in their team.

When Inuesta scored the winning goal, Queen Sophia jumped up with joy, King Juan Carlos who couldn't attend allegedly jumped Up with delight.

A very proud nation with a team to be proud of.
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that pic says nothing to me than a few guys drinking wine,cant see that makes them binge drinking (off there heads i need more proof
Deggars do you seriously believe that not one spanish person got drunk, had a fight, was violent or got arrested last night in the whole of spain or the surrounding islands? You gathered all that from 5 minutes of tv?
Dave....Spaniards did get drunk, maybe fights, maybe arrests, but certainly not on the scale of just an ordinary weekend in the UK.
Agreed sqad but it does happen!
Dave does.

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