just pondering, as you do.... do many (any) of you still use a bar of soap to wash with or have we all gone over to shower gel and liquid handwash?
i've not bought solid soap for many years, and find the basins, shower, etc., don't get those scummy marks so are much easier to clean and need cleaning far less often.
Playing with The shower gel? My grandaughter (4) loves to play with my Dove soap,
when they've gone home I discover my soap has holes gouged out of it, finger holes in it -- now if I know she's coming I hide it. The little pest.
I use Dove soap & my H still uses Pears Transparent.
I always use liquid soap now as I found the bar of soap was making ezcema on my fingers really bad. Also use to have trouble with the grandchildren digging there fingers into a bar of soap as well.!
all this talk of grandchildren is making me really jealous :). i just hope one of my two sons manages to make me a grandma before i'm too old to enjoy it!
i know there's only been 4 replies, but i'm quite surprised, i though most people had gone over to liquid soap now. i appreciate the reasons you all give for using a bar of soap but i'm still surprised.
I stopped using cake soap when it was pointed out at work how many germs it harbours. I always use liquid soap now, frequently with antibacterial elements in. Much more hygienic.
Liquid soap is the way to go these days, so much more hygieninc and NO MORE PUBIC HAIR can cling and get stuck in it (or any hairs for that matter), I cant stand bars of soap in peoples bathrooms/kitchens, they always seem to be covered in hairy bits and sat in a pool of slime YUK! And what is that advert all about 'no more germy soap pumps' ???? Der....you wash your hands anyway AFTER dispensing the soap...
Liquid soap and shower gel as it just seems so much more hygienic.
I haven't bought a bar of soap for years.
I much prefer the antibacterial shower gels too like Sanex or Carex, feel cleaner using them somehow and keep some nice smelly ones for a second wash, love the fruity Original Source ones for that.
I normally use liquid soap and Sanex shower gel - much more hygienic and Sanex is much gentler than soap or shampoo on bald heads - but occasionally buy bars of Harrogate Sulphur soap, because I like smelling like a recently discharged shotgun.
I use bodywash mostly b/c of all the yummy scents. I love Dove bar soap though and have one in the shower too. (I am the only one using the shower, so don't have those sanitary issues.)
We use pure Olive Oil soap that comes in solid bars - it is fantastic if you have sensitive skin or scalp (yes you can use it as a shampoo too) - it doesnt have any nasty chemicals in it and if you want a pretty smell you can alwayas put a few drops of an essential oil on the bar and leave it to soak in. I find the liquid soaps (even the ones claiming to moisturise) leave my skin dry, and they obviously leave a residue or you wouldnt smell of them after washing.
Let's get technical (groan!). The liquids you mention are all detergent-based but the solid bar is real soap. The two are very different although their purpose is the same - to make oil/grease mix with water. Detergent-based products are better in hard-water areas because they don't form a curd or scum whereas soap does. Also, soap bars are alkaline but it's easy to buffer the liquid products so they are pH neutral or even slightly acidic. Since the skin is slightly acid too (pH 5.5) the liquids tend to be kinder to the skin, particularly if it's dry or you get that "tight" feeling after washing with soap. Add in the hygiene factor, and the liquids win hands down (no pun intended).