I am on wind-down to bed mode and went to take my medication. I take a few drugs but am always (usually) careful to run out of any of them.
But I have managed to run out of Setraline (SSRI anti-depressant). I have ordered a new prescription with my doctor on-line which will be ready, hopefully, Tuesday.
Does anybody know how long it will take to get to the 'withdrawal' stage? Does the active drug stay in a person's system for 24 hours, 48 hours or a week?
I had a problem a year ago when I changed anti-depressants and I was pretty unbalanced for weeks. It is something that I never wish to repeat.
If all else fails I will crawl down to the pharmacy and beg for an emergency supply.
To make things much, much worse I have run out of chocolate. ;-(
sorry, I don't know if this is correct.. but if you use the same pharmacy for your prescriptions they may agree to supply you a few days of your medication in advance. they could probably even call the surgery to confirm the prescription will be available on Tuesday.
Hi wolf. I had the same thing last weekend and have to say I was worried sick about it. Went from Friday to Tuesday as but really didn't have any problems. I think just worrying about it made me worse so got a bit anxious but nothing serious. I am not on the same tablets as you though, I take Reboxetine. Perhaps have a word with your pharmacist tomorrow just to double check though.
Can also confirm, I went to pick up a prescription last week in a chemist that I didn't know shut on Saturday afternoons, The Boots a few doors up gave me an emergency supply because I had used them in the past and they had me on record. Best try that tmrw rather than worrying.
I will wander down to the chemist tomorrow and pick up some chocolate on the way back.
I am off to bed - will have to turf Frankie off first, he storms off meowing and hissing at me. He is a lovely bed warmer. Haven't seen his sister for hours - better check the wheelie bin. ;-)
Sorry I didn't think! I was wondering what you might have in the house as a temporary chocolate replacement though - honey, beaten butter and sugar, golden syrup on toast??
No problem getting a Galaxy Ripple and I can't wait to eat it - it's cooling in the fridge. The pharmacist gave me a box of tablets without any problem.