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Curry recipe

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mollykins | 15:52 Fri 24th Sep 2010 | Food & Drink
48 Answers
I never told you that i got a good curry recipe, plus i've tried it out and it's dead easy and healthy.

My brother showed me how to cook one when I went to his, and I wrote down the recipe (except i'm going to use a fraction of the chilli he did!) , but i can't find it at the minute, I had my school bag so it's probably in my notebook somewhere.


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No, that wasn't it...
Actually my shed doesn't have a door.
i have only got strawberry yoghurt
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Slinky we didn't use curry powder, my brother hates the taste of it, and I think I do to, and that's why I haven't like some of the curries i've had in the past. But my favourite one was one I has at this posh restaurant where they said something like they used a mixture of fresh spices (which looking at the poshness of the place was true)
Now that I think of it, it was a hat-stand...
nothing beats fresh spices if you can get them,are you making a curry tonight??
Garam Masala molly, mix of spices.
My shed has a door but it got left open and a tree grew in front of it now it doesn't close.
i have a door but no shed.
I have a fridge!
always dry roast your spices at the start if added raw late on it does not have the same richness and depth of flavour.
maybe Mcmouse could have your door kate?
cant i have his shed
my wok has walked
Have I told you I use to have a shed but can't find it now !
molltkins have you made that curry yet?
Poor lass is probably in the huff with the response she got lol..
the response was veeeery fuuuuny,ha ha ha
-- answer removed --
she said she doesnt like using curry powder

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