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Best Hangover Food.

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NoMercy | 07:05 Sun 03rd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I've just had 2 Kingsmill pancakes topped generously with Nutella and a pot of English Breakfast/Earl Grey.

What's your favourite hangover/comfort food in the morning?


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OMG i think if i ate that first thing in the morning i would be sick i need at least 3 hours up before i can face food ,only black coffee for me and gallons of it lol
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Gallons of black coffee on an empty stomach? Do you find people stand quite a distance away from you when they talk to you?
Fried eggs and bubble on toast with a cup of tea. Might get the hubby up soon and go down the cafe.
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Tbh... after a heavy night on the sauce, I could eat pretty much anything the following morning. I wish I'd brought some Indian home with me. :-(
If I've drank so much that I feel as though I've been poisoned then there's nothing for it but staying in bed without taking anything.
But with a moderate hangover I'd enjoy the remains of the curry from the night before heated in the microwave.
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Does that include the toxic-ridden rice, Sandy? ;-) lol

I just remembered that when Bobjugs and I were in Southampton a few weeks back, we went down to Ocean Village and had, among other things, Calamari for breakfast.
Washed down with oversized lattes.
I couldn't face squid even when I'm sober. The thought of chewing a brekkie of rubbery seafood is making my queasy.
The rice is nice, even after a day or so.
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Squid is gorgeous and if it's cooked properly, it just melts in the mouth.

Baby squids are the best. You only need to flash fry them for a few seconds. As soon as they go from translucent to opaque, they're done.
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You can't beat a bit of Sausage in the morning ! Well that's what Mick T reckons, anyway.
If im seriously hungover when I can eat its always a bowl of mashed buttery peppery tatties -yummy :)
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That sounds rather nice actually, Dris. For some bizarre reason, I always reach for the sweet stuff when I've got a hangover - I wouldn't normally eat that sort of rubbish.
When I used to drink (and therefore get hangovers!) I always found a full english to be the best cure. Followed by water for the rest of the day.
square sliced sausages and fried egg on a roll, cans of irn bru
Bacon rolls... Always bacon rolls to cure whatever ails ya... Although we're actually having peanut butter on toast this morning and we're not hungover so I guess that makes peanut butter toast non-hangover fool.. :-S
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J'adore peanut butter - but only the crunchy variety ! Topped with banana and honey. Scrumptious !
I'm really boring, I never drink enough to have a hangover... but we've just eaten a full Scottish, complete with black pud and square sausage. Yum.
A large full English will usually sort it out for me!!
Cannae whack a full Scottish boxy :)
The Calley in Edinburgh do the best ive ever had along with as much champagne as you can manage -bliss:)
I'll keep that in mind next time we're up, dris!

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