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What Is Your Ultimate Pie?

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poodicat | 00:04 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | Food & Drink
32 Answers
Mine is a steak pie


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"answer removed" ..someone has a sense of humour failure.
Ooooo! Steak and Ale, with shortcrust pastry!.................lovely!............
Question Author
No welsh it has to be puff pastry lol
Was going to ask what all the "answer removed" was about, but you seem to have answered it. I too have noticed that a lot of people on this site have recently had the humour bypass op. (Note to self: save post-modern irony for Facebook, doesn't work on AB).
No poodi! not for me!..............I hate puff pastry on Steak and Ale Pie, has to be shortcrust for me!.............just my personal choice!.............. also wasn't that blatant and would only have been understood by a mind as smutty as mine.
Now I am intrigued. Any chance of rewording it so it gets past the censor?
The wording was not subject to the censor - hint: both of my 'pies' were not real pies (got it ?)
Sort of. Got one of your pies but not the second (unless it is the same pie but covered in gravy).
The second one contained nothing but a dairy product normally eaten with strawberries ;-)
No, sorry, too deep for me. Us poor folk up in the North are not over-familiar with luxuries like strawberries and dairy products. Can you send me a picture?
If I sent you a picture of the types of pie I mentioned, I'd probably be banned for posting links to pron !

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