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Good food V 'bad' food-which would be best to eat?

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ayabrea38 | 00:21 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | Food & Drink
42 Answers
Let me explain.....
A boy is a 'fussy'eater.
He has a good breakfast (weetabix,toast and hot drink)
Then eats rubbish for dinner (cake,cake and cookie)
Now for tea(back at home where parents have some control)
Should he have what mum cooked(chicken casserole and veg)
or pizza and chips......
Hang on though
the problem is with the casserole he will eat about 1/4 -the rest goes in the bin.The pizza(with meat topping and extra cheese)gets eaten completely 100% gone!!
So which is best for him to eat?
Answers on a postcard please!


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Further to my previous comment which assumed he was about four years old - he gets the family dinner. End of.
I take issue with the statements that '' if they don't eat what's in front of them they go without'', I am an old man now & all my life I have been what is referred to as a picky eater, I don't like eggs or tomatoes,I cannot abide chinese or indian or any other foreign food, I had a stepmother who was going to 'cure' me by putting the same plate of food out for every meal ' until you eat it' sorry lady it didn't work ( I would wait until everything had been cleared away & then eat bread & butter, Ithink this lasted for 4 meals until my father (god bless him) said you can't keep doing this the lad is getting no nutriment. During the war I was told '' wait 'till you go in the services, you'll have to eat what you are given'', not so, I used to swap food with my R.A.F mates, & still plenty of bread, I guess I was lucky but I survived,& still eat what I am happy with.

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Good food V 'bad' food-which would be best to eat?

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