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Handy hint of the day

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mrs_overall | 21:10 Fri 26th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Gin and dandelion & burdock tastes horrible


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Gin is for the Summer Mrs O.....try a brandy or a nice red wine
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In my drunken youth on a weekend at Butlins someone once drank bacardi and Listermint. Now that was disgusting!
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maizie I would - but all the booze is locked away in a cupboard (we have teenagers) and Mr O has gone out without revealing his latest hiding place for the key, grrrr
I'm waiting til nearer Christmas Doc. I'm not in the mood for it at the moment. I had the flu 3 weeks ago and now I have a terrible not feeling at all like Christmas at the moment :o(

What are you and Puss doing for Christmas?
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Jan, that sounds gross
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In a drunken state in Greece I once drank a beautiful looking blue cocktail I thought someone had abandoned on the bar
It was cleaning fluid for teaspoons
Totall pmsl @ Jan -classic:)
How very inconsiderate Mrs o......... Ring him and ask him.....or you could have some of mine, it's a very cheeky little red
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Ta very much mazie xx
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"Never go to bed rowing,stay up and fight"
LOL Courtesy of Phylis Diller.
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lol Invictus - I may just do that
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Urgh doc, that sounds gross xx
I made coffee using gravy granules once (same shaped jar) - it really is disgusting with milk and sugar!
Lol at the blue cocktail mrs o. At least you had clean insides.
Brandy and Babycham.......what an awful drink that was... Still doesn't beat Gin and dandelion & burdock. I'd give up and have a cup of Tea mrs_o
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My youngest has given me a loan and I'm off to the shop for a bottle of tonic now

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