I bought a baguette and it was so hard that the knife slipped and I sliced my thumb open. Not only was it quite painful but it made reading my paper at lunch noticebly more difficult. I will also mention in my complaint that they had run out of the CD I wanted so I had nothing to cheer myself up following my affliction. How much do you reckon I'll get?
I think I'll also sue my bosses for proving Sugar knives that can't cut through bread.
Yeah, I like your style Pixi. The sharp edges could seriously have worsened my condition if I hadn't taken extreme care.
I think the guy in the office next door is on the list too. I went to ask him for a plaster and he never once asked if I was allergic to plasters. For all he knows I'm comatosed on the floor right now.
Oh gawd, don't mention funny eyesight to me, I just got back from the opticians, he told me I need stronger reading glasses as my vision is getting worse due to my age...i'm hardly ancient at 42 years old :(