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Nougat squares

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sam182 | 12:20 Sun 08th Jan 2012 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
I bought 100g of Almond Nougat a few weeks ago but found it has gone hard, does anyone know how to soften nougat pieces?


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Try the Microwave for a couple of minutes
Not with my teeth, thats for sure. An addiction to Nougat as a boy is the main reason why I have no teeth now ! I would give anything to bite into a big chunck of that pink nougat that we had as kids it still around ?
Oh I lurve nougat the ones we used to buy and chomp into...yes I think you can still buy the one I'm on about mikey, sadly like everything else though, they've reduced the size of the bar and it probably doesn't taste as good as we remember it lol.
A few seconds in microwave

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Nougat squares

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