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Where Do You Get Your Inspiration

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ethandron | 16:57 Sat 25th Apr 2015 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
For the keen cooks amongst us..and possibly the not so keen...where do you get your inspiration from as to what to cook?
I know we all have our favourite meals which come round on a regular basis but if you fancy doing something you've never done before, and enjoy the whole cooking process and spending time and effort in the kitchen, where do you look...internet, cookery books, magazines, friends, here???


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I suspect the answer is all of them, for different people.
Mainly cookery programmes and guesswork.

I had a beautiful seafood chowder when on holiday and I had to guess the ingredients. Turned out fantastic and now it's a base for a pasta sauce. The kids love it.

My aunty was a chef so her food inspired me. My mum and nan were also great cooks.
I think about what i want to taste, texture, how hungry I am, what is to hand and take it from there
I get most ideas from the folks on Come Dine With Me, not from egotistical chefs with their outlandish ingredients.
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Thanks for your answers.
I used to enjoy Ready Steady Cook and got a few ideas from that, can't say Come Dine With Me has ever inspired me...
I have 68 cookery books and enjoy leafing through them but sometimes the best meals come from thinking through what there is in the fridge/cupboards. Inspiration usually comes, sometimes at the last minute. I carry a huge selection of foodstuffs so can usually make anything without finding I have vital ingredients missing.
Mr Wait and Mr Rose are my inspiration. 3 !!
Mr Marks and Mr Spencer I find equally inspiring !
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It's usually the ingredients. We see something good and think what to do with it. We also get magazines - Delicious or Good Food and see something which appeals. Don't use the internet too much - you get overkill.

Depends what I have. If I find a puffball its gourmet time with guacamole, wild garlic & chive dressing served with watercress from nearby stream, decorate plate with red chilly sauce and blob of mayonaise.

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