The hospice was delightful as usual. Lovely people in a lovely building in a lovely setting.
We didn't get the biblical we were promised yesterday. About five minutes of fine drizzle was the way of it. Overcast again this morning, But I don't think it will rain today.
The delights of the Hoover Hop, the Duster Dance and the scaling of Mount Ironing in store for today. I have a meeting at 11, so I'll first two before, the ironing might have to wait until tomorrow.
Went to lunch with my mate after the hospice. The Red Lion in Arlingham. Excellent. We both had the HEC. The ham is home cured, the best I've had in any restaurant. I asked for a bag for the trimmings for tiggy, they thought that was wonderful! :o} I was provided with a salable box. Tiggy thought it was his birthday. Well, it might be! :o} It is on the re-visit list.
no wbm - got a bit fed up with the way I had to retype replies on here - - tho I was in London for a week - so I was
& by the look of the sky we are going to get more wet stuff here shortly too
I know what you mean mate. What do you think of the Big Smoke? Mind you; it's not so smokey now. I can remember when all those beautiful buildings were black. The process of cleaning them took years. Did you drive or fly. I'll guess fly.
G oodly morning One n All...just had a request to knit a pink chuncky bath mat!! Does anyone have a pair of needles the size of a curtain rail?...enjoy the day orf to find a gaint pink woolly sheep .....the sun needs help is struggle with the dovet of clouds..xx
flew to Gatwick - then express to Victoria -- really enjoyed London - we stayed on the Strand - did tour of Westminster - had lunch with our MP on the Paddock restaurant overlooking the Thames- di d a riverboat trip ( v Interesting) - did the London Eye ( ok'ish) - did the opentop bus tour (ok;ish) -- found a pub on the Strand , just down from the hotel were the price of a pint was the same as at home (V Good)
Morning wee sis. xxx Once upon a time there were some pink sheep. They got the colour from rain that picked up pink powder in the air from a leak in a container of some sort. :o}
Just knit a small one and tell them to get a smaller bath! :o}
Sounds like a good time beej. We lived in Woolwich when my dad was in the army and based at the Royal Artillery barracks there. That was in the 50's, didn't like it much.
morning boaty xx bee xx (welcome home)alin xx dubidu xx
nicer day here blue skies....picking up mum doing a bit of shopping, lunch out then bring her back here for the night , return her home tomorrow night after Britain's got talent
Now there's a thing BiG BroV what would i do without your helpful suggestion my my dubidu brain didn't think of will save a lot of arm work and i won't have to go shopping...
Hiya :-). Yes, daughter has a two bed flat to look around next week... she has been offered it and I very much doubt she'll say no... It will be very odd- and quiet- without her here. And- I'll have to start cooking again!! :-/ xx