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Waffle Or Waffle, You Decide!

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saintpeter48 | 11:50 Thu 15th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
What is the correct pronunciation of 'waffle'? Last evening a female friend had a dessert and asked for a waffle, she pronounced it 'Woffal', I said that its a waffle (sounds like raffle) and that her pronunciation is a term used for someone who talks and talks about nothing, which do you think is correct, or does it depend on what part of the country you're from, though she was born and raised near where I have lived all my life.


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Woffle...never heard it pronounced the way you do.
Both meanings are pronounced the same, certainly by me :)
I checked Chambers, MacMillan and Cambridge dictionaries - Waffle/awful seems to be the pronunciation given. Waffle/raffle sounds horrible to me, rather discordant!
Acccording to Chambers :- Waffle (wof'l)
I have never heard it pronounced to rhyme with raffle.

Now I've tried it just sounds like I can't pronounce my r's properly! :)
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and what about someone who talks and talks, is that 'woffle', though it is spelt waffle!
also never ever heard it said to rhyme with raffle
Yes, Woffle for chuntering on - Chambers shows the exact same pronunciation.
I recall the advert for Birds Eye potato waffles where it was very distinctly pronounced woffle.

Same pronunciation for both meanings, never heard it used to rhyme with "raffle", by anyone from anywhere.
i pronounce both type of waffle as woffal
Ah yes, eccles - "They're waffully versatile"
Make sure sound is switched on and click in turn the small flags alongside the word 'Waffle' in the following link :-

I'm another woffler

ah well that didn't work :-)
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Hans - I've listened to both and they both sound to me as 'waffle' (raffle) lol, perhaps my hearings going!!
Woffle for both.
The only character who pronounces waffle to rhyme with raffle is Elmer Fudd.
I always say it to rhyme with rofl rather than raffle.
In English the "w" alters the following vowel in many cases. "War" is pronounced "Wor", "work" becomes "wurk", "wonder" becomes "wunder" to rhyme with blunder. (Even where there is an "h" in between. Hence "what" becomes "wot".)
Remember those old ads about the "Wonder of Woollies", where any problem encountered by Woolworths gave rise to the headlines "Blunder of Woollies" ?
At the moment everyone seems to be posting quite sensibly. Let's keep that way without folk starting to Waffle. ☺☺☺


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