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What's Cooking This Sunday?

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NoMercy | 10:51 Sun 13th May 2018 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
We're having meatball chilli with triple cooked fat chips in dripping. I'm fasting all day, as I do on alternate days now, so it's not all that sinful.

What's cooking at yours today?


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Chinese because we will probably be tired after Red has his scan today
Not much. I'll do a fry up so probably won't cook later. The kids have gone out, he's upstairs watching a film, so I'll feed him and he'll nod off :-)
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Chinese sounds nice but I find I always have more or less the same dishes each time.
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Sounds like you've got the day sorted, Ummmm. And men do love their fry ups.
Wish I was having your fry up Ummmm not sure what I will spend my 900 calories on
Triple-cooked chips?! Wow, and some people think *double*-cooking was an excess...
We had chips last night, with some lovely ham from the farmers market.
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Jim, it's the same as cooking them once, but splitting it into three stages. It's a technique that results in a crispier chip.
I enjoy the Sainsbury's version of TC chips, was just recalling the double-cooking thread and all the drama therein :)

I will (hopefully!) be enjoying a self-made roast chicken dinner today.
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I normally just cook oven chips but I've got some maris pipers to use up.
900 calories. That's 18 gin and slimline tonics. Easy decision
Dave is cooking tonight, wasn't planned but part way through dinner here last night my large bookcase quilt which was hanging on a metal pole at the top of the stairs came crashing down.....hit everything it could on its way to the hall.....
Dave leapt up to fend off the intruder he was sure had burst through the front door.....
That resulted in a pasta sauce covered tee shirt...and indigestion....

He feels safer cooking and eating in his own home.... :-(
Twice/thrice cooked chips are so much better and actually easier.

I have the sausages on and went to the shop because the cat was just about to die of starvation (he has been fed) and OH was walking up stairs with my sons left over takeaway.

Yes - last night was Pasta Joke ...
Aberdeen Angus Rib Eye tonight ...

"Is this steak well hung"

"I dinna ken - I didn't see a picture of the Bull from that angle"
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Never a dull moment at yours, gness ;)

Ha ha, Dave!

Ummmm, why is left over takeaway so darn delicious?

Your cat sounds like my boy. When it's feed time, it's a national emergency.

Rowan, I like your thinking.
Not only do I find leftovers really delicious.....but also sandwiches made by someone else....much tastier than ones I make for myself........??
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OK - steak innabun tonight then :)
bacon and egg pie, new spuds parred and then roasted in olive oil balsamic and a splash of maple syrup, and a splodge of syrup....roast duck tonight with a red wine and raspberry reduction sauce.

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