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Beef Wellington

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winny | 08:21 Sat 17th Mar 2007 | Recipes
7 Answers
Hi can anyone help with the recipie etc for Beef Wellington. Mr W fancies it and I cant find it in any books i've got. Any hints and tips would be good too. TIA


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Haven't made that for ages :-) so that's going on the menu for sure..... wellington
I did actually use a patοΏ½ when I made mine.... so here's a recipe with that in... id/534925
seal fillet steaks, spread with pate and wrap in flaky pastry and cook in the oven for about 20-30 mins depending on how you like you beef cooked.
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thanks everyone. I did not realise it was fillet steak and was feeding a few so bit over budget but have printed few out to try for special occasion when just 2 of us. Thanks again.
I make it quite a lot. I use a whole fillet of beef. I chop up mushrooms and onions and fry in a little oil and white wine until soft. I then puree them. I take a square of puff pastry(big enough to wrap the beef in) and spread pate over it. I then spread the mushroom and onion mixture on top of that. I seal the beef in a hot pan and then place on top of the pastry. Wrap the pastry round the beef , egg wash it and cook in the oven.
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wow how much is a whole fillet of beef. That is the style mr w had at a "do".

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