I was making pancakes, first used butter, than it changed it to grapeseed oil, than to a mix of olive oil with canola. Nothing was good, everything was burning very quickly.
I thought, Ok, I'll reduce the heat and start flipping pancakes sooner. With this strategy, it was not good either, because pancakes didn't get cooked well on one side, and when I tried to turn them to other side, I just messed it. What did I do wrong?
Hi Irene try melting some butter heat the pan the dip kitchen paper into the butter and wipe round the pan pour in some batter not to much pancakes should be fairly thin then they should cook evenly also add a little melted butter to your mix good luck
I wouldn't use either olive oil or butter.....they will both burn more easily than vegetable oil. Use an oil such as rapeseed (Goldenfields) or sunflower.
Hi there,
Thank you ALL for your answers. It was great to get them so fast. I live in Canada now, but they don't know how to make European style pancakes here. They use only commercial mix and non-stick gridles to make those. I don't like the taste of these pancakes, and wanted to do some real home-made style ones.
I'm going to sound like I'm addicted to the stuff cos I gave the same answer under another recipe question, but I always use a little bit of lard and wipe it round the pan with kitchen paper and my pancakes are legendary!