Iv'e often watched the wife make an omelette, and it looks dead easy, Decided to have a go this morning, went on you tube watched the instructions, Still looks dead easy, Got all my ingredients, whisked my egg, got all of it ready for off, but after being in my pan for a few seconds the damn thing couldn't make up its mind whether it wanted to be an omelette or a scrambled egg, So I settled for the latter, Does anybody else have this problem,?
Omelettes should be easy. Mine end up looking like an egg battlefield ... bits of lumpy, cooked egg, slopping around in a pan of yellow goo. Either that, or cooked through to a rubbery consistency.
Heat a pan til it's hot, add a knob of butter then the eggs. Stir like you're making scrambled eggs until it's almost set. At this stage I add any fillings then put under the grill. Tilt the pan and fold over....slide onto a plate.