cake decorating in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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cake decorating

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bevs | 16:00 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | Recipes
3 Answers
can i cover a sponge cake with fondant icing do i use marzipan and how do i get rid of the dents and gaps when cake is covered many thanks
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Hi bev,
is it the ready to roll icing? If it is, yes you can, just brush/ spread some jam on the cake top for the fondant icing to stick. Dents and gaps? xxx
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thanks sachs dents and gaps meaning when u sandwich together and the cake is not flat you have a gap all round the centre when you put the fondant over it goes into this gap and does not look nice how do i get a nice solid round or square
Bevs, I always put a thin layer of buttecream on the top and round the sides of the cake before putting the fondant on. This should take care of the middle! Obviously also make sure you have filled he cake to the edge properly.

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