Apple batter cake in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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Apple batter cake

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langara | 10:36 Sun 04th Oct 2009 | Recipes
2 Answers
Just printed off the recipe for Apple batter cake, as seen on Britains Best Dish this week, for the cake it says 2 eggs then in method it says deduct half of one egg yolk. You don't use it elsewhere so do think leaving half of one egg yolk in recipe is going to make much difference, it's such a performance. Thanks
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Precisely! What size egss does it say to use? if it is two large use 1 large and 1 medium or jugge with ingredients. Bet it doesn't actually make much difference!
Sorry, my typing went haywire - should read:

(17:38 05-Oct-2009)
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Precisely! What size eggs does it say to use? if it is two large, use 1 large and 1 medium, or juggle with ingredients. Bet it doesn't actually make much difference!

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