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How do I make a Ruby like they drink in Sex and the City

A. The new cocktail called the Ruby has been taking New York by storm since it was featured in a recent episode of Sex and the City in the US. A Ruby is traditionally made from gin, grenadine and01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002

Do people in other countries eat Easter eggs

A. More than 250,000 tons of chocolate will be sold worldwide this Easter. That's equivalent to more than 36 billion inch-long chocolate eggs. Although 43 per cent of British people have no idea what01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002

How much caffeine is there in a cup of coffee

A. The average cup of instant coffee contains around 75 mg of caffeine, while an average cup of brewed coffee contains 100mg. An average cup of tea contains 50mg, regular cola contains 40mg,a regular01:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002

What kind of herbs can you use in desserts

A. Too many people restrict herbs to savoury dishes: basil and tomatoes or chicken and tomatoes. But herbs can liven up desserts too. Basil and mint, lemon balm and thyme, rosemary and lavender can01:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002

Is fougasse the new ciabatta

A. Fougasse is a rich-flavoured flattish bread, which is identifiable by four finger-like slashes across its centre. The fougasse is the Provencal version of focaccia. Both names derive from the01:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002

Is rhubarb a fruit or a vegetable

A. Rhubarb is in fact a vegetable, one of the most unusual because it is eaten with sugar. The identity of rhubarb has vexed gardeners and chefs for years, so much so in fact, that a in 1947 a US01:00 Mon 04th Mar 2002

How do the experts appreciate a good malt

A. The key to appreciating - and enjoying - a good Scotch is sniffing or 'nosing' the whisky. Generally, experts concur malt whiskies nose and taste better than blended whiskies. Blends differ most01:00 Mon 04th Mar 2002

How can I find Asian food stockists in my area

A. There are hundreds of Asian food stockists in most UK cities, and lots of opportunity to buy online or mail order. If you're unsure about where to start, try looking at websites devoted to Asian01:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002

I want a bottle of really good sweet wine. What's the best

A. The Hungarian wine Tokaji, formerly known as Tokay, has long considered to be the greatest sweet wine on earth. The wine, made at the little town of Mad, in north-east Hungary, is reputed to01:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002

Where does red salt come from - and where can I buy it

A. Alaea red salt is unprocessed, mineral-rich sea salt from Hawaii, which is mixed with local red clay. In the late 18th century, Captain James Cook reported that the Hawaiians made excellent salt,01:00 Mon 25th Feb 2002

Is it true the Aga was invented in Sweden

A. The Aga was invented in 1929 by Nobel-prize winning Swedish physicist Gustaf Dalen (1869-1937). He was convalescing at home from an accident involving gas cylinders, when he noticed how much time01:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002

How can I cutback on the amount of salt I eat

A. It's well established that too much salt, over a period of time, can cause health problems, particularly high blood pressure and heart disease. But many of our favourite foods are packed with salt01:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002

Can chillies become addictive

A. Experts believe the charm of the chilli is due to a highly addictive chemical reaction. The substance that delivers the hit is capsaicin, an alkaloid with all the characteristics of a poison. On01:00 Mon 18th Feb 2002

Where in the world would I eat fried rat

A. Fried rat in garlic is considered a delcious starter in Latin America, Asia and parts of Africa. Many cultures choose foods which would bring horror to Westerners. Earthworm pie, for instance,01:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002

Is Cranberry juice really good for you

A. It's highly favoured by health experts at the moment. Apart from being a rich source of antioxidants and Vitamin C, cranberry juice has antimicrobial qualities, which makes it very effective at01:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002

Why is the food on public transport so bad

A. The best food you're likely to encounter while travelling is on an aeroplane. Restaurant critics Tim and Nina Zagat say that Singapore Airlines serves the best food. All passengers enjoy menus01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

Where does the best mineral water in the world come from

A. Italians claim - along with pasta and pizza - to bottle some of the purest mineral water anywhere, although it's a keenly contested competition, with brands such as Evian and Perrier being world01:00 Mon 11th Feb 2002

How did Mr Kellogg come to invent cornflakes

A. An American named Will Keith Kellogg had a professional interest in health and diet. He worked at the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan, which was run by his brother, Dr John Harvey. This place01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

Fresh ginger looks so strange. What should you check for when buying

A. Try and pick a piece with translucent skin. Reject any that look shrunken or wrinkled, with dried-up tufts of fibre at the break. The older the tuber, the darker and more wizened the skin, the01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

What foods will I eat at a Chinese New Year bash

A. In northern China, the weeks before the holiday, which starts this year on February 12, are devoted to preparation of foods for the festivities. Many families make meat dumplings called jiaozi -01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

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