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Banoffee Pie (dessert)

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 6 -8

Banoffee pie is a wonderful concoction; it is a sweet and sticky dessert. Its two main ingredients, as its name suggest are banana and toffee. Layers of banana with dulce de leche, a type of caramel, poured all over the bananas, topped with lashing of cream.

Banoffee pie is actually a very young English desert, invented in 1972 in the Hungry Monk restaurant, in Sussex, but due to how delicious Banoffee pie is it has gained worldwide popularity. Banoffee pie is a perfect way to end a delicious family meal and because it is so easy to cook, and it can be prepared in advance, it will make your evening relaxing and easy as well as very tasty.


  •     250g biscuits
  •     275g butter
  •     1 tin of 400g sweetened condensed milk
  •     175g caster sugar
  •     150ml double cream
  •     2 bananas


  1. Crush the biscuits to crumbs; melt 105g of butter in a large saucepan. Once melted take of the heat add mix in the biscuit crumbs. Press the mix into the bottom of an 20cm or 8inch loose-bottomed tin and transfer to a fridge to chill.
  2. Place the remaining butter and sugar in a saucepan and melt, add the condensed milk and bring to the boil. Stirring continuously to make sure caramel does not burn, it should take 5 minutes for the mixture to thicken and become a caramel.
  3. Slice bananas and place on the biscuit base then pour caramel all over it.
  4. Place in fridge and leave to chill for at least an hour.
  5. Before serving whip cream and place on top.



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