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Chive Flower Salad

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 2

This is a wonderful side dish, and a very good reason to grow your own herbs. Chive flowers are delicate, purple, very pretty and taste fantastic. It is rare to find chive flowers in supermarkets but you can buy living chives in most supermarkets and seeds from most garden centres. The great news is chives, like most herbs are very easy to grow; they need very little work, very little space and you get the great enjoyment of eating something you have grown yourself. You can eat every part of a chive; just before chives flower you get tender buds which are wonderful in Chinese recipes. You can even eat chive bulbs, the bulb tastes a bit like a mild onion.

Chives are full of flavour so a simple vinegar dressing and a squeeze of lemon complement the flavours without taking away from the taste.


  • 100g rocket
  • 100g lettuce leaves
  • Handful of chives and chive flowers
  • ½ Lemon
  • White wine vinegar 


  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a small bowl and mix in 3 tbsp of white wine vinegar to make a dressing.
  2. Mix the rocket and lettuce with the chives and chive flowers, drizzle the dressing on top.

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