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Coffee Cheesecake

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 6

Freshly made coffee fills the air with a wonderful deep rich smell that wafts gently through every room.

Coffee is a wonderful start to the day, so for the perfect end to a day, that you deserve I suggest a coffee cheesecake. Coffee adds a touch of sophistication and lots of indulgences to an already delicious dessert. Cheesecake is creamy and wonderful and nearly everyone loves a beautifully cooked cheesecake.  So whether you want to curl up next to a warm fire, indulge in a hot foamy bubble bath, throw a fabulous dinner party or have a chilled out gathering with friends, coffee cheesecake is stunning and more then perfect.


For the base

  • 85g butter
  • 175g biscuits, finely crushed, I sugest gingernuts

For the filling

  • 3 large eggs
  • 3 tbsp instant coffee dissolved into 3tbsp boiling water
  • 150g soft brown sugar
  • 600g full fat soft cheese
  • 150ml sour cream
  • Coffee beans to decorate


  1. Lightly butter a 20.5 cm loose bottomed deep cake tin or spring-release cake tin.
  2. Melt the butter in a pan and stir in the biscuit crumbs. Press firmly into the base of the tin. Chill well.
  3. Preheat oven to 180C or gas mark 4.
  4. Beat the cream cheese with the sugar, coffee, eggs, and soured cream until light and fluffy. Pour into the tin. Bake for 40 minutes. Leave in the tin to cool and decorate with coffee beans and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, over night is best.

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