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Creamy Spinach, Ham And Pasta

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 4

Pasta, spinach and ham in a luxury creamy white wine sauce. This delicious pasta dish is quick and easy but full of fantastic flavours; the spinach adds a wonderful texture to the sauce and the ham works beautifully with the cream. 

If you are cooking for one, or rushed off your feet there is no excuse for microwave meals and junk food. This dish is so simple and very quick to cook, leaving you plenty of time to sit down, relax and enjoy a proper meal.


  • 400g pasta
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 200g spinach, washed
  • 75ml double cream
  • 50ml dry white wine
  • 250g leftover gammon, roughly chopped
  • Black pepper
  • 50g hard cheese, parmesan is ideal


  1. Cook the pasta in boiling water according to packet instructions.
  2. Fry the garlic add the spinach and cook until it begins to wilt add the cream and wine and let reduce. Add chopped gammon season with pepper and toss into the cooked pasta.

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