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Does drinking water do you any good

01:00 Mon 29th Oct 2001 |

A.� Beauty experts have long since recommended drinking water to improve the appearance of your skin, hair and eyes. Drink enough of it, the theory goes, and you will boost energy levels and rid your body of the toxins that can cause weight gain and lowered resistance to disease. The World Health Organisation and the British Dietetic Association recommend a minimum intake of eight glasses a day.

Q.� Why do we need so much liquid

A.� Researchers on both sides of the Atlantic are divided over the puroprted benefits of water. The average adult loses about a litre of water of fluid a day through sweat and other bodily processes, which is the equivalent to about four glasses of water. Last year, Professor of Medicine at the University of Mexico, Robert Lindman, said people get at least that much from food, and that taking the extra eight glasses was unnecessary.

Q.� Can you drink anything other than water to avoid dehydration

A.� The Natural Mineral Water Information Service, which represents the bottled-water manufacturers in the UK, has stated that Britain is a dangerously dehydrated nation. It says over 60 per cent of the population do not drink enough, and one in five, does not drink enough water. There is, however, evidence to suggest cola or coffee has no greater effect than water.

In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition last year, researchers at the University of Nebraska's Center for Human Resources, found that drinking only coffee or caffinated cola had no greater effect on the dehydration levels of a group of 18 young men than if they drank only water. Even alcohol, which is considered a diuretic, in moderation, will not have a great effect on the average person's fluid balance, according to the study.

Q.� When should you drink

A.� Experts agree that when it comes to fluids, the rule is to consume before you are thirsty. Non-sugary drinks are better for your teeth and your waistline. If you are drinking plenty of tea, coffee and soft drinks and watery food such as vegetables, fruit and soups, your fluid intake will probably be quite high. But you should always drink before you are thirsty, and water is the most natural drink you can have.

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by Katharine MacColl

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