News1 min ago
Nice, naughty or nutritious
by Nicola Shepherd
With the shock revelation earlier this month that a Pret�A Manger sandwich can contain more calories than a Big Mac, what else should we know about the surprises our larders, supermarkets and fast food restaurants hold for us
Your questions answered:
Is fast food a big No if you want to diet
No. It depends on what you order. A plain burger from McDonald's contains half the calories of a Big Mac.
What are the danger foods when it comes to dieting
The obvious fatty ones such as cheese, deep fried chips (oven chips are less fattening) and anything that oozes oil. The real dangers are the innocuous-looking foods such as avocadoes, which are full of vegetable fat. A glass of� wine contains as many calories as�a piece of toast. Potatoes can be eaten in moderation. Their danger is not fat but carbohydrate, which contributes to the calorie content. One hundred grams of peanuts contains more than one quarter of the calories needed daily by a woman to remain fit and healthy.
Are there any foods that would actively make me slimmer
No. But eating lots of fibre, contained in fruit, vegetables and bran-based foods will keep your body functioning properly and get rid of waste regularly.
Should I be counting calories or grams of fat
Both. Visit for in depth advice about your body type.
Pizza can't be that fattening can it
Have a pizza without cheese and you cut down the fat content dramatically. But olive oil is often used in the dough, and�the dough is of course pure carbohydrate.
Can eating lemons break down fat in the body
Nice idea, but no. Citric acid has a negligible effect on fat in the body. It is good for you though, as it is full of vitamin C.
What is a detox diet
Carol Vorderman has made a fortune out of this with her video released last Christmas. Basicaly it means eliminating all meat, wheat and dairy from your diet for a period, if not forever. This doesn't leave a lot left to eat except fruit, vegetables and lots of water.
Can you eat slim when you're eating out
Yes, if you are careful when ordering. Ask for sauces and dressings on the side. Go for lean meat and green vegetables as side dishes rather than potatoes. Have fruit instead of puddings or cheese. But don't forget to enjoy yourself!
Are there any low-fat foods, which taste like the real thing
You'll find some of the light yoghurts are 99% fat-free, which sounds like taste-free too, but they're actually delicious and very convincingly naughty. Sugar-free cans of drink have no calories at all. Some ice creams have a reduced fat content. Read labels carefully, though; 25% fat-free still means 75% fat content.
I want to cook a special meal for a friend but she is on a strict low fat diet. I can't just give her a salad, and I want to show I've made an effort. Any sugggestions
Gently dry fry (without any oil) an onion and two medium size aubergines. Add a can of Italian chopped tomatoes and a drained can of chickpeas. Tip into a dish, add salt , a little dried basil and freshly milled black pepper. Cover and cook in the oven at 180 degrees C for an hour. Serve sprinkled with freshly chopped coriander. She'll love you for it!