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Somerset Pork With Cream And Apples

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 4
Few things complement pork as well as apples, Somerset pork and apple is a classic English dish that combines these two ingredients delightfully, with a creamy cider sauce and tender succulent pork.  A perfect dish to entertain, the rich sauce is guaranteed to impress guest all year round but especially on cold autumn and winter evenings. It is so easy to cook that it will make hosting dinner parties a breeze.


  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 500g pork loin, cut into bitesize chunks
  • 12 small firm onions, peeled
  • 2 tbsp grated lemon rind
  • 300ml cider
  • 150ml veal stock or vegetable stock
  • 2 crisp apples, Granny Smiths are ideal, cored and sliced
  • 3 tbsp of chopped parsley
  • 100ml whipping cream
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Melt the butter in a large frying pan on medium heat.  Gradually add the pork and stir until golden brown.
  2. Transfer pork into a bowl.
  3. Add onions to pan and cook at a low heat, brown lightly
  4. Stir in the lemon rind, cider and stock, boil for 3 minutes.
  5. Return the pork to the pan and simmer for 25 minutes, until tender.
  6. Add the apples and cook for a further 5 minutes.
  7. Transfer the apples, pork and onions to a severing dish.
  8. Stir the parsley and cream into the pan and allow to bubble, to thicken the sauce slightly. Season with salt and pepper, then pour over the pork ready to serve.


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