Crosswords58 mins ago
What does kangaroo meat taste like
A. It tastes very similar to beef and is also often compared to venison, it is high in iron and protein and it contains much less fat - less than 2% -than most other red meats.
Q. Is it readily available over here
A. You'll find�kangaroo meat in some specialist butchers and on the menu at some upmarket restaurants. It is expected to become more widely available soon as Australian exporters of the meat say sales to Britain are up 40%.�
Q. Have they been eating it down under for years
A. Kangaroo meat was only legalised for sale in Australia in 1993 and the demand for the meat in Oz is actually far less than overseas.
Q. Why
A. The kangaroo has pride of place in the Australians' hearts and many Aussies can't bring themselves to actually eat it. There is also a large animal welfare�body lobbying against the sale of the meat. They claim the animals are often killed with unnecessary cruelty.�
Q. What other more adventurous meats could I try
A.� Well, Sainsbury's sells ostrich meat and you'll also find it in some other supermarkets and specialist butchers.
Q. What is that like
A. It also takes similar to beef in that it is a red meat, full of iron and protein, but it is also classed as poultry and is also low in fat.
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By Anna Tobin