More Than One Million Foreigners...
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A.� Along with cabbages and root vegetables still on the shelves, there's an abundance of rhubarb and beetroot.
Q.� What can you do with beetroot
A.� Beetroot is one of those ingredients that you either love or hate. In Scandinavia and Russia, it's a classic dish. Beetroot and herring is very Nordic and borscht is one of the finest soups, topped with smetana or soured cream.
Q.� Are there are particular Spring vegetables�I can serve
A.� Check out crisp carrots, delicious English asparagus, purple sprouting broccoli, spring cabbages and spring greens. Root vegetables are really coming to an end and the first, expensive Jersey Royal Potatoes are beginning to appear.
Q.� What can we expect in May
A.�Hot house English salad crops - cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce - are more readily available and considered superior to Dutch imports. Look also for bamboo shoots, chard and rocket about now.
Q.� Can you give a good rhubarb recipe
A.�� There's nothing quite like an old-fashioned rhubarb crumble with custard.
You will need:
1lb rhubarb
3/4 oz of granulated sugar
6oz flour
3oz butter
2oz caster sugar
serves 4
1. Clean and slice rhubarb and place in a 2-pint ovenproof dish in layers with granulated sugar
2. Sift flour into a bowl. Rub butter into flour until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar
3. Sprinkle crumbly thickly over fruit
4. Press down lightly with a knife and smooth top
5. Bake at 190C (375F) for 15 minutes. Reduce to 180C (350F) for a further 45 minutes or until top is lightly brown.
6. Serve with fresh double cream, soured cream or custard
Q.� What 's a good recipe for asparagus
A.� Lots of people love poached asparagus
This recipe serves 4 and takes just five minutes to prepare
1. Trim off an inch from the bases of�about 24 asparagus
2. Put into a large fairly shallow pan and half-fill with water
3. Bring slowly to the boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until tender.
4. To make a Hollandaise sauce to go with it, you will need:
1tsp lemon juice
1 tsp wine vinegar
1 tsp cold water
3 white peppercorns
1/2 small bay leaf
4 egg yolks
8oz buter, softened
salt and pepper
Put lemon juice, vinegar, water, peppercorns and bay leaf into a saucepan, Boil gently until liquid is reduced by half. Leave until cold and strain. Put egg yolks and reduced vinegar liquid into a double saucepan ( or basin standing over a pan of gently simmering water). Whisk until thick and foamy. Gradually add butter, a tiny piece at a time. Continue whisking until each piece has been absorbed by the sauce. Season to taste.
5. Serve immediately with poached asparagus.
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By Katharine MacColl