At last a title to sink your teeth into. I didn't get on with the witcher. This for me is the first blockbuster title of next/current gen. Will you get it?
I've just been watching some of the gameplays on youtube. I got hooked on "open world" play way back in GTA3. I'm not usually into "combat", but I may make an exception for this.
Played 250+ hours of JC2 and its still top of my list. Still one of the best sandbox games ever made. Map feels huge, everywhere is accessible and gameplay is fun.
I don't own a next gen console (still on 360) but this is the game that will push me over the edge.
Don't get me wrong, I loved both Fallout 3 and Skyrim. The map size was only made to feel big by the slow progress it takes to move around it, often frustrating to try and get to where you want to.
@thebuilder - check out a game called the long dark on steam, it is in early access, survival exploration game with the only combat being against bears and wolves, it is utterly compelling, superbly paced and has a beautiful sandbox to explore.
Anyone got your copy yet? What do you think of the game so far?
My partner pre-ordered his copy on Amazon but it didn't arrive yesterday on release day like it was supposed to. He was not happy! He's got it now though so that's our evening sorted.