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chocolate game

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lynxlad | 15:27 Fri 07th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

help needed with quiz all connected with chocolate

make an escape 9

sweet subjects 5

could be cattle crates 5,3

batman`s black & white baddie 7

clever candies 8

medieval musicians 9

beats a nut 6,4

crispy creamery 5,6

thank you for your help..



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Batmans Black and White baddie probably Penguin

Will now look at the others

clever candies - SMARTIES

medieval musicans - MINSTRALS

medieval musicians = minstrels

sweet subjects - topic?

beats a nut - walnut whip

5. smarties

6. Minstrels

crispy creamery = dairy crunch

Clever candies - SMARTIES
Medieval Musicians - MINSTRELS
Sweet Subjects - TOPIC
crispy creamery = Dairy Crunch.
I must be slow or something!
Make an escape - BREAKAWAY
3. Dairy box?
make an escape = Breakaway.
Could be cattle crates - MILKY BAR ???
Yeah, I reckon Dairy Box is probably more likely, juliefer.

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chocolate game

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