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manic miner

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ANDY73BCFC | 15:47 Wed 19th Nov 2003 | Technology
3 Answers
i recently downloaded the old spectrum game nanic miner from the tvx vault,does any1 know any cheats as i have 4gotten them


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I think back in the days of spectrum games any cheats required you to use a POKE. This was a way to "stop the tape" after the first set of wiggle lines. Then change various lines of codes then complete the load. As with all programming of the time extremely time consuming and normally a waste of time. But there does seem to be a few cheats around on the web but I cant see most of them as our firewall blocks 'Games' sites. Try here

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not a quick search for "manic miner cheats" on google should do the trick
Ooops bit of a porblem with the link try this
not cheats but a link for thoses that dont have it: - manic miner for webrowser - manic miner for windows

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