My son is 7 going on 70. He has lots of outdoor toys, loads of crappy lego monsters, a heap of mini cars for racing with so we can't think what to get him. All the Wii will be sold out that's if i knew what one was. Any Ideas? - help needed.
I don't wish to sound rude, but have you asked him what he wants? I always used to get my kids to write a christmas list, that way you can get them something that they want and they won't know what you're buying.
If he can't think of anything give him some catalogues to look through.
We have asked, wait for it, he'd like a computer, a TV and DVD player, a Real Car - Landrover with as many seats as you can get in them, or a Landcruser. Besides the Age requirements - they're a tad out of my price range. Not sure he's old enough for the computer, and they're not cheep. TV DVD, not sure I'd be happy with him having one of those in his room either.
He also wants a few DVD's - which is no-problem, personalised stuff. He is writing lists to Santa, it's a main present I'm struggling with. I'v tried to explain that as you get older you may not get as many but they might cost a bit more. so he's determind on the items I mentioned in my last reply.
I'm having the same problem too with my six year old.....I have just bought as his main present a stereo for his bedroom.I'll get him some dvd's too and a game for his xbox!
He's spoilt as it is and you cant move in his room for toys!
my 8 year old grandson has looked on the WWE website tonight and found the new WWE smackdown vs raw game for PS2 and that is all he is asking santa for he says.