look around for a good deal with some games thrown in too.
the standard price for the wii and sports game is �179 in most shops, so try to look around.
The wii lets you use two controllers to move around. Fifa for example lets you move the player with the Nunchuck, and shoot/pass etc with the controller.
You get a controller and nunchuck in the package.
if you want a 2nd controller buy Wii Play. It's a game with 9/10 sports games on it, costs �29, but you get a free controller with it.
As for other games - hunt around !!
I've bought a game for �20 thats on sale for �30-�35 elsewhere. Use google, type in the game name, and then check the sites.
Asda, Tesco, woolworth, amazon etc all do good deals, but prices change from game to game.
The Wii's great fun though