GTA IV on release day? in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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GTA IV on release day?

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GJK22 | 11:40 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | Gaming
7 Answers
I initially ordered this online from amazon but when I checked the delivery time it said 6-7 May so I cancelled it. What do you reckon my chances are of going into a shop on the day of release and getting a copy? I live in Birmingham so there's a fair few games shops.
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if you havent pre ordered your chances are very slim. a lot of stores were refusing to take any more pre orders when i went round (also in birmingham) and asked. play.com started processing the pre orders on wednesday (they charged my card then).
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Ah, so i'm more or less screwed? When do you reckon the earliest I could get a copy would be?
on play.com it says its due for release on 29th april. Like DarkMajes71c I ordered from there and they charged me wednesday for it.
Asda don't take pre-orders, I saw a big display for it advertised as out 29th April - If you have a 24 hour Asda you can get it from midnight. Apparently people were queuing at my local one for Wii Fit at midnight last night.
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That's insane. Ok well worst comes the worst I can always head over to Asda and duel with people for a copy.
when san andreas came out for the PS2, i was outside woolies at opening time. got my copy and gleefully went home to play it. I put it in the machine, and it didnt work! raced back to the shop to get a replacement, by which time theyd sold out. So i got my money back, but everywhere had sold out too! later that day, and in a state of depression, i put another game on and that didnt work either. then another, and discovered to my horror, that there had been nothing wrong with my copy at all and that it was my playstation that was broke. it was a week before i got the game and a new console. . . doh
I work for a company who is selling this title and we are still taking preorders in our store but as everyone one else has pointed out stoci is very low and everyone one is expected to sell out day one. There is another delivery drop due to the uk the week after so you may be able to geta pre order for then - if not try this shop on Ebay - I know they had some G4ME5 - Ebay

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