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as its so quietttttttttttttt

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legend.isgod | 22:43 Fri 08th May 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Crazy party games / drunken fun.

Have you ever

played naked twister or any other mad crazy drunken games?�

Do tell ?�?�?


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chase me chase me

are you been prolifically banned?
Question Author
cazzz im being block reported i guesss


time forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Looks like it Cazzz!
ahh yes, I seem to remember people talking about mass reporting last week
Naked drunk twister - always funny
i keep getting cut off.fooking net sucks 2nit
especially if you blind fold the players
No games.....unlike on
Our OAPs throw their car keys into a bowl & do forfeits to earn a drive in them. The forfeits can be to joint baths/showers/clean a toilet/swap underwear/lick off milkshake or alcohol/superglue hands with another/suck an ear/tongues/necking/undress each other......oooooooooh, exciting ;)
hi cazzzy and pasty and the restttt

if im gonna be banned
may as well be a disposable name

opera is the best btw

well I suppose banning people is a different twist for this weekend?!
it would seem its folk reporting rather than the ed

whats wrong with what coloyr are your eyes or pants come that ?�

is that really you leggy??
got any secret words...or names you can think of........I NEED PROOF !!!
ill give you bloody proof
between you and cfart and joy

its like hells grannies arggghhhhhh


?�?� did that help �?�?�
ANYONE can say that!!

do not make me gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


bleeedin yank
5 free glasses of white at the java

for you and rabbbs ?�?�

blooody lushes
OUCH !!...I felt that!!

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as its so quietttttttttttttt

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