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Mega Drive games

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tiggerblue10 | 22:13 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Gaming
34 Answers
Is there any way that I can get MegaDrive games to play on my PC?


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Do you want to play versions of the games using an emulator, or plug the Sega cartridges into your PC?
you do know we have playstations and xboxs around now? if you want to sit there yelling at something atleast let it be 3d and you can always pretend your shooting an ex or some other inbred.

I got this for xmas for the bf and it's quite good
you can get the emulator disc off ebay for a few quid with most games released on there.
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I just wanted to play the old games I used to play years ago on my PC Naz / Wilkesneil. I still have the Mega Drive but I can't connect it to the TV. The emulator looks good What..the?. Is there any way I can plug cartridges into my PC Naz?

Thank you for your invaluable input Gaspanic.
Can't you get a cable to allow you to connect the mega drive with the tv? there's cables for everything now
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I suppose I could but I haven't got a clue what kind of cable to get and every time I go round the back of the TV all the scart leads get dislodged. I hate scart leads. Wish they would make something that doesn't fall out so easily.

I like the idea of the emulator though. It says it has games that come with it. I would like to get the original games that I used to play though. If I can of course.
Search for "genesis emulator" in google. I have one and it plays all the old greats like Sonic the Hedgehog, Moonwalker and Golden Axe. Once you've found the emulator, you will need to find the roms to play on it.
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Thanks SB, I've found it and saved it to my Favourites so I can download the ones I want later on.
Put the cartridges into your toaster, and make the rom boot up noise yourself. This should work.
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Which setting?
SQUARE, you wont believe this but i had my old megadrive set up in the bedroom now for around 2 months and my 4 year old son loves playing it.
I've got about 100 games at the minute (trying to get every single 1 ever released).
if you wanna play on the console just get the wire (they are cheap and you get more enjoyment)
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Thats just a description of my feet when they are warm!

Can I put the cartridges in the oven instead, then I can catch the melted plastic bits in a tray!
I wish I had kept on to mine wilkesneil. I had loads of games for it too. Mickey Mouse in the Castle of Illusion was amazing.
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I didn't have loads but the ones I did have I loved. I had Aladdin, Tiny Toons, Home Alone, Jurrasic Park, Sylvester and Tweetie Pie. And yes I know - I'm sad! Lol
Despite the Mega Drive / Game Gear / Master System being old, doesn't mean the games are no longer fun to play.

Back then it was all about playability as the graphics capabilities were limited, at least by todays standards.
Can't beat a bit of classic Sonic / Road rash from time to time in my opinion :)

I currently have a megadrive emulator on my Wii but of course you can do this on your too. First of all, as

mentioned already you need an emulator. Download 'Fusion' from here:


I've suggested fusion because it's still updated regularily (last update was this year already!) and because it

emulates the following machines: Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X :)

The next thing you need to do is get the game 'roms' you want to play. Roms contain the game data that were on

the original game cartridge. This is a touchy subject for some, i can't tell you where to get them from but a

quick google search may help: ;) Also note that Mega Drive was called Genesis in

America. YOu'll be able to run roms labelled under either. There are other ways of getting roms... not sure how

much detail i'll be allowed to go into without being moderated. Best advice is to try a few sites and see what happens.

So yeah, put all the downloaded roms you want to play in a directory of your choice, load them with Genesis and enjoy! Be sure to have a play with some of the controller settings, if you have a USB Xbox360 controller or any other joystick you can connec
In my rose-tinted opinion, they were much better than today's endless stream of first person shooters.
(continued)... connect that to your pc and map the buttons in fusion any way you want to play the game. Failing that you can just tell it what keys on your keyboard to use.

Hope that helps!

Final note: This works for me on my system but as always i like to cover my arse so Follow this guide at your own risk, I cannot be held responsible for your actions, pc catching fire... yadda yadda...
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Brilliant SonicBoom! Once I get the Emulator I shall follow your instructions. I've already saved the Roms website into my favourites so I can start downloading them.

Thank you :o)

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