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Is Forza 3 worth looking at?

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Booldawg | 09:28 Fri 04th Mar 2011 | Gaming
4 Answers
Seems to be cheap enough now. I'm still playing Forza 2 - is the upgrade to 3 worth it?

No doubt new cars and new tracks but does it outperform Forza 2 graphically? I've seen bits of it on YouTube and like the 'in-car' view and they seem to have tagged on a few extra features such as drag race etc.


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In my short play experience, yes. Certainly worth it if it is "cheap".

Spare Ed
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thanks all. LOL wondered why I hadnt seen your lap times on the XBL scoreboard Trigger!
Yeah I'd say it's worth getting, it doesn't look a whole lot different to 2 but it plays a lot better.

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