ChatterBank1 min ago
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The reason I ask this question is because I’ve been seeing articles and headlines on the internet about this sort of thing. If I find out that this kind of war is to ever become inevitable and...
https:/ /educat ionforu m.ipbho topic/1 8765-fi del-cas tros-sp eech-on -112363 -about- the-jfk -assass ination /...
https:/ /www.da ilymail debate/ article -989345 9/As-Da vid-Bow ie-said -dont-d iss-70s -says-M ARY-ELL EN-SYNO N.html
Mary Ellen Synon disagrees with Sarah Vine about the 1970s... whom do you agree with?...
Looking through youtube I found this amazing footage of a forensic lip reader brought in to lip read the spoken words of soldiers who fought at the Somme. After that I found out about a documentary...
https:/ / /news/w orld-la tin-ame rica-57 878969 This is an exciting item if you are interested in old shipwrecks. I do have a minor quibble/query. There is a reference therein to [i] live...
24 = DP to the I for MI (US history)...
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) having watched Ken Burns' incredible "The Roosevelt's - an Intimate History" on PBS America over several hours and am deeply moved by first Theodore and then Franklin...
What narrative genre did Hawthorne use to describe the scarlet letter
Is this a photo of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's daughter? She died in 1951.
https:/ /images .app.go PmhogaH UCorLMY 9...
History is history, the good and the bad, it cannot be changed by erasing anything that depicts the reality of that time, wether it be a film, a painting, a statue. We must protect our British history...
Who invented the word trouble for it to come into play meaning to make it a word in the dictionary
Geography and World History
what is sorry Charlie day
i heard they celebrate it every April 6 id the person who played Charlie died...
At the moment i am reading an interesting book about the battle of Trafalgar. It describes in detail how events were and how the battle unfolded. What event and why would you like to go back in time...
1963 = ypk was a
Who is loaded as the greatest father of comics and comic writings in the US?...
https:/ / nesty.o rg/en/l atest/c ampaign s/2017/ 06/isra el-occu pation- 50-year s-of-di sposses sion/...
https:/ / /news/w orld-eu rope-57 008360 Anne Frank is world famous but few have heard of Sophie Scholl who was a German anti-nazi activist. She is celebrated in Germany and has many things...
And what does black prejudice mean?
Is white prejudice discrimination against white people and black prejudice is discrimination against black people?...
What area in Palestinian does Victoria Starmers family own property...