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Welcome To History where the past is explained.If you are looking for information about your family tree try our Genealogy section.
could anybody out there tell me why australians call us brits pommys...many thanks
what does B&Q stand for as in the diy store
Is anyone here a member - if so why?
Was reading a thread last week which mentioned him and his family, I'd actually read a book about this a few years ago. Is there any descendants of his still alive? or did they execute all of them?
Does anybody know why New York is known as the Big Apple?
Does anyone knoe why the brain is wrinkly?
when did the berlin wall fall? thanks
Does anybody know the social, cltural and historical basis for the american dream
can you let me know of any good websites for the period 1745 onwards?
Just how tall is it? In feet please!
what are some of the myths associated with the Elizabethan age
Could I find out about ships sailing from Hanover, Germany to England in 1809?
has any one heard of , and can maybe enlighten me, of a web site called Dragon Court.org pre 2000. I am trying to get a print out of this site pre year 2000, thanks to anyone in anticipation.
Why was Washingotn chosen as the commander of the coninental army? Why did slaves/states prefer the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution? Why did the Federalists want a strong national...
practice of sorcery and magic rooted in Africa and still carried out in the Caribbean
does anyone know which bundeslaender were in east germany?... thx
Does any one why where what who or how he skarted or lost the batles?
What relevance, if any, does the Magna Carta has with Scotland
Is it true that the "I have in my hand etc" Prime Minister was also a black footballer what played for Stoke City?
I am researching Christopher Columbus and how he named the Virgin Islands, I would like to find out why he named them after St. Ursula if she died in 383B.C and he did not discover the Islands until...